Friday, March 26, 2010

A visit to Aunt Denise's House

Around the middle of February we took a mini trip to go visit Gregg, Denise and the boys for the weekend. We always LOVE getting away to their house for a little fun! The boys had some basketball games going on and we tired to make it, but couldn't get there in time. We did however play some games ourselves. They have a Wii and we all had some great laughs! We played lot of sports and then a dancing game that was hilarious to watch other do! I don't remember the name of it but I did get video of us all acting crazy! Unfortunately I didn't get many pics, but the videos make up for it all! ENJOY!
(ps. sorry Ryan I had to put your video on there too!)

This was also a big weekend for E, we found out that he was getting his first TOOTH!!
Of coarse mommy was harassing him the whole time trying to get a pic of it, but this is all we got...
Can you see it...HA!
My cutie pie...growing up!

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