Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 months old

Our baby boy is getting soooo big, sooooo fast!! Here are some pics of him, 5 months old already! These pictures are getting a little harder to take, because he is getting more and more active by the moment! Enjoy!
He has found his feet...
We have started putting him in his new jumparoo....he absolutely loves it!!! Look how happy he is!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rolling Over

Eli is rolling....or at least consistently now! I was so worried that he would never be able to get it, bc. as you can see he is quite the chunky monkey, and I thought he would have the hardest time trying to get over! There has been a few times where my mom has called me and said your son just rolled over, while Ryan and I were at work and we never got to see if for ourselves....but......he has got it now! I am saying that he "got it" over Labor Day weekend....and of course I was working, but daddy was home to see him do it, and needless to say I couldn't wait to get home that night! The next day I was making sure that I captured it on video and snapped some really cute pics of my growing boy on his tummy! I think that he is a lot more happier now that he can see more things and do it himself! He has also started to roll over in his crib at night and sleeps on his stomach. Another great thing about this is that is has extended his sleeping time in the am about an hour more! Yeah baby boy! You are growing so much and starting to do so many fun things....what is next?

Tummy pics....

Sleeping on his tummy at nap time....

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pool Party

Eli and I attended our first "play date/pool party" at the beginning of September. We headed over to Amy's house in Keller, to play with Will and other friends! There were about 6 of us from work with our kids. Alot of the kids are still small and were being held most of the time, but all of us mommies had fun!
Left to Right (Anna, Stephanie & Brooke, Kristen & Landry, Ashley & Lily, Me & Eli...Will is sitting in the pool by me, Amy is taking the picture)
What cuties, Will and Landry, look at those rolls!
Lily-snack time
Kristen and Miss Landry
Brooke, the youngest of the bunch

Eli hanging out in the float....he loved the pool!

Baby Dedication

August 30th was Eli's baby dedication. We were super excited about his dedication coming up at Cottonwood Creek. We love our church and sunday school class, having made some great friendships and are glad to be apart of this church home. As soon as we found out which weekend they were having it we made plans to have our family and friends come celebrate this special day with us. Here we are waiting for the service to start....
On stage and receiving his bible and the prayer....
After church we had everyone over for lunch and fellowship....it was a great day and I am glad to have so many good friends and our familes to share this with.
Landry and Eli
the guys hainging out in the back yard
Dane acting silly and a great picture of all the cousins together
Mommy and E

Playing with daddy

One afternoon Ryan and Eli were playing around on the bed waiting around for me to finish getting ready so we could go eat. They were so cute together and Eli was cracking up....I grabbed my camera and caught them in action....how sweet!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 Month Pics

I am getting behind again on the blog, but I have had so much going on that I am just so tired, but having to make myself catch up.....so here you go about a month behind, but Eli's 4 month pics....We are so in love with him, he is smiling, laughing out loud and talking up a storm....he has even started to roll over...I got a video and hope to share it soon. He is growing up so fast, but we are loving every new thing he does!
Such a funny little guy
Can't forget the monkey pic

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Granji and Granddaddy

The week of Eli's dedication my grandparents came to visit. Grandaddy had been sick the week before, and they weren't sure if they were going to be able to come, but we are glad they made it! Here are some pics of everyone hanging out at GiGi's house, and of coarse E is the center of attention.....
Playing on the floor, starting to love his tummy....
My little ham...
All tuckered our...a good nap with Granji

My 30th Birthday

I'm sad to say that yes, I did turn 30 this year! I think that you always joke and say, "I'm getting soooo old", but it seems you don't truly feel old until you hit the 30 mark! HA! This year I think I actually feel it! It may be bc. I just had a baby 4 months ago and my body will never be the same, or bc. I haven't really been able to exercise in who knows when, or simply bc. my body is just getting old?!?! Anyways, it is here to stay so I guess I should embrace it all! I have had several people tell me that your 30's are the best times of your life.....so bring it on! Anyways......now that I have felt sorry for myself, here are some pics from the weekend of my birthday. Some of my closest friends and I went out to Chaucer's for some great sushi and fun! Also, my parents took E for the night so we could have fun with everyone, stay up late and sleep in! Thanks GiGi and Papa.....I love those nights! I also got some great gifts, a spa gift card from the girls, a Mani, Pedi, and Starbucks gift card from my hubby, some bath and body works from Anna and Brett, Shoes from my parents, and a great picture frame and Taco Bueno gift card from Amo. It was a great 30th, and I am so glad I had lots of friends to share it with! Thanks!!
Going in to dinner.....just being silly
Miranda & Todd
Anna & Brett
Amy & Preston
The Girls....love ya!
Sooooooo YUMMY!!!
Nice pic boys.....hmm...and they say that Amy and I are attached at the hip.....
Ady and Anna Banana
Love you babe! Thanks for helping to make my bday special!
ps. Even though I am 30 now, you are still older...he he