Thursday, July 2, 2009

Anniversary Weekend

This year Ryan and I celebrated our 4th year of marriage. We wanted to get away and have some quality time together, but since we have a 2 month old we didn't want too go to far away. We dropped E off at Gi Gi and Papa's and had a great weekend in Cowtown!
First stop was Joe T's for some awesome Mexican food....
While walking around downtown, we stopped in for some dessert! Yummy!!
Sorry Ryan, I know you hate this picture, but you just looked like you were enjoying
this way too much! :)
Saturday we went to the Ft. Worth Zoo, it was very humid and hot, but most of the animals
were out and showing off.
Saturday night we hung out in the Stockyards. Ryan took me to dinner at the H3 Ranch, then we walked around a bit and did some window shopping.

mmmmmm.....a great steak!
Ryan trying on hats, what a cutie!
A pic from 4 years ago, June 12, 2005. A day that most people will remember bc. we got married outside in the middle of the summer, maybe we were crazy?!?!?! This is the day that I will remember as marrying the love of my life, and look forward to spending many more years together! I love you Ryan!


Melodie said...

happy anniversary!
p.s. i could eat that guac through this computer screen. oh my! looks so good!

The Myers said...

yea! so glad y'all had a fun anniversary trip and had a chance to get away.