Friday, November 19, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

Every year we carve pumpkins with our neighbors, and this year was no different.... this was 3rd annual year of carving.  Last year E was only 6 months old so it was a lot easier to do.  This year Ryan and I had to take turns corralling Eli, and carving, but he seemed to enjoy it, and it was fun watching him!  I got a few pics, but didn't really get many of the neighbors...but promise they were there!  
Eli in his wagon, about to head across the street... 
Carving time!
I found a pic from this time last year...WOW...what a difference a year can make! (What a difference a new camera can make too!) 

1 comment:

Melodie said...

i love this neighborly tradition you guys have. so fun!